Artist: Markus Passecker

Markus is currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten, in collaboration with the Technical University of Vienna. His research focuses on advancements in digital heritage and interactive storytelling.
As an XR creator and UX designer, Markus develops applications that aim to enhance visitor experiences both in museums and in broader contexts. He has a keen interest in the interaction between the physical body and media technologies, particularly through biofeedback-controlled installations and performances. His work seeks to explore and expand the potential of XR technology to create immersive and engaging experiences.
Markus regularly collaborates with artists and designers across various media and formats to create works that exist at the intersection of art and technology, theory and practice. His projects, characterized by a deep engagement with the potential of XR technology, aim to create immersive and interactive art experiences that engage and challenge audiences in innovative ways.


Winterantwort – Ilse Aichinger
Hafen Wien